South American Business Consortium S.A.C.began its operations in Peru, with the aim of producing, marketing and providing services throughout the country and abroad, In addition from the moment of its birth and according to its tenets the company is committed to participate actively in the development of society and the preservation of environment.

South American Business Consortium S.A.C. is a company with a social sense from our position because we try to contribute with our modest bit in solving the problems that afflict our society aware that climate change proceeds of global warming affects us all accept the challenge of preserving and conserving the environment with a specific target reforestation support in the areas most affected by over-exploitation and excessive felling of trees. We develop our work locally, but also extends this in a comprehensive approach.

The strategy for South American Business Consortium SAC develops through the work being done in the production, marketing and various services offered, as they are crystallized by the aid.

"When you buy or contractors Services from South American Business Consortium is helping aid"

Mission: To be considered as allies of our customers and recognized as the company with a social sense committed to society and the environment.

Values: We seek the full satisfaction of our customers to maintain our good business relations. Within the company was working on an organizational climate where the prevailing respect for human , each worker South American Business Consortium SAC This conscious and committed to this.

Quality: We are aware that the smooth development of the work being done by each of our clients depends on the quality of products we offer; That is why our workers put great care and care in our production and commercialize only the most reliable market to a competitively priced.

Diversity: Thanks to the wide range of products and brands that we handle, we can offer just what best suits their needs and budget.
Seriousness: South American Business Consortium S.A.C. you are the most important, why relations with each of our clients is not playing, we strive to treat you as you deserve.

So we are in the ability to say that you can rely on compliance with the standards of quality, delivery time and prices of selected products.

South American Business Consortium S.A.C
Jr.Cabana 232 Los Olivos Lima – Peru
Telfax (511) 4859451Celular (511) 994662550 / (511) 994662551

Gerencia General :
Administracion : administració
Contabilidad :
Area Legal :
Ventas :

